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The crucial role of Calls to Action (CTAs) on charity websites

Your charity’s website is a crucial tool to connect with supporters, raise funds, and drive positive change. Among the many elements that contribute to a successful charity website, how you integrate Calls to Action (CTAs) will be a key factor. 

In this article we explore just some of the reasons why CTAs are so important, and some key considerations for implementing them effectively.

Directing visitor focus

Calls to action serve as signposts to direct the user's attention toward specific actions that align with the charity's website goals. Whether it's donating, signing up for a newsletter, volunteering, or sharing content on social media, CTAs provide clear instructions that help visitors understand the steps they can take to support your organisation’s work. The clarity of the messaging is crucial, as it reduces confusion around what you are asking the user to do, increasing the likelihood of users engaging with the charity.

Free membership - call to action

Empowering the user

Engaging with your charity empowers website visitors to be part of something bigger than themselves. Your CTAs should encourage an emotional connection to form between the user and your cause, inviting them to see the difference you’ve made and prompting them to become part of that ongoing drive for change. Carefully-written calls to action will reinforce the fact that their contribution is making a difference to your charity’s beneficiaries.

Enhancing user engagement

CTAs don't need to be just used for sign-up or donations; they can also be used to increase the level of engagement a user has with the website. We encourage our website clients to incorporate calls to action within their content to keep the user interested, for example by highlighting an interesting case study or a resource that could be useful to them. Buttons like ‘Read Sam’s Story’, ‘See the Results’, or ‘Learn More’ catch visitors’ attention and encourage them to stay.

Read case study -  call to action

Make them stand out

The primary goal of all charity websites is to convert visitors into supporters, donors, or fundraisers. CTAs act as the prompts that nudge visitors to take actions that are beneficial for both the charity and its cause. However, unless the CTA stands out from the main content of the website, it is likely to be overlooked.

When designing a charity website we will give specific attention to the design of the calls to action, whether they are a button, strip, or text that stands out within the website copy.

Book a place - call to action

One easy way to make a CTA stand out is through colour, perhaps by using one of the stronger colours from within a brand palette. Bolder or larger fonts are great options that stand out while remaining accessible for users with colour vision deficiencies.

Create a sense of urgency

If your charity is running a campaign, incorporating time-sensitive language into CTAs can convey a sense of urgency, compelling visitors to act promptly. Phrases like ‘Donate Now’, ‘Join Today’, or ‘Your help is needed now’ instil a feeling that immediate action is required – the aim is to motivate the visitor to make a difference by making a quick decision to support the charity.

Donate -  call to action

How can we help?

If you’re looking to redesign your charity website and seeking a partner who can help create a new website to support your organisation in achieving its goals, please contact us to discuss your project.


Accessibility in design: colour considerations

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The importance of intuitive navigation on a charity website

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